Wednesday, May 16, 2007

She is Back!

She is finally back.From the flavours of love to Monday blues I have moved to debug mode.A mode to rediscover science and people.

Debug mode kills the Tina in me. In short this is the mode where my project deadlines have to be met.I am forced to kick my frivolous attitudes and even Friday nights seem to be still the middle of the week.I bet many of you are victims of this bug.Your boss hitting your head ;The weekly updates metamorphize to daily updates; People all over the world are interested in every 'bit' you write ; Last minute reorganizations are made;

Last time I entered this mode it took me two months to get back into the real world.This time it is the contrary. Day One ; I wanted to run outta this ASAP. I always define an environment with reference to time and space.Unusual timings are okai. I can live with it.This parameter is unbonded for me. Only 'time' superceded me in the previos debug experience.The space was warm.Right now, my space is so limited and bonded.I wanna break out and move on.

Week 1: It was a real blow. I wanted to run out.
Week 2; New people , new rules, new designations...( I hate change of plans when I am not favoured.. Well who likes them ? )
Week 3:Rock bottom... I cant go on like this. I notify my boss about my space.
Week 4: My roomie advises me to fight back. I applied Newton's third law . I reacted in the same manner my space reacted to me.
Week 5: My boss is surprised that the space is not beating me.
Week 6: I am still enduring this new space. No, I have acquainted to it.

I wont make any more plans for rainy days. Rather i ll enjoy the sun today.......


Blogger Balu Krishnan said...

gud luck with ur new mode...

10:40 PM PDT  
Blogger Padakkam said...

hey.. thanks for ur comments!
do u hav a gmail/yahoo id? would love to keep in touch :)

8:19 AM PST  

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